Friday, January 29, 2010


Thalam is the process of applying medicines over the centre of the head. The process can be considered as a variant of MURDHANI TAILA. It can be considered as a shorter and easier means of shirolepa. In the initial stage of Ardita thalam is indicated. The navanita thalam is indicated for ardita, considering the dosha involvement. The modified form of thalam with eranda taila , ghritakumari satva and balachurna is also advisable as per the need of the condition. In kamala roga with shirodaha, thalam with navanita and stanya is recommended. the same thalam is advised in vatashonita associated with burning sensation. In vatika and paitika shirashula, navanita thalam is beneficial. In bhanga of shiromarma Navanita thalam is advocated to manage the state of bhrama. In visuchika, thalam with compound of butter and ghee is recommended. In children afflicted with severe sneezing thalam with powders of bala patra, panchagandha with breastmilk, gruel of wheat, butter is effective. In karappan (skin lesions of children mentioned in arogyakalpadruma) associated with shirodaha, thalam with powders of dhatri , madhuka , manjishta , chandana is applied along with breastmilk. The headache developed in extraneous fever is managed with the thalam of manjishta in breastmilk. In bahyayama Eranda taila and butter is placed over head. During swedana , usually the head is not allowed to get perspired. In order to prevent such effects during these procedures there is a custom of placing thalam either with amalaki or with powder of bala mixed in butter.