33)In first stage of Sannipatha Jvara patient should not take bath.
Nirgunti sidha thaila or shudha Bala thaila can be used of abhyanga befor bath.
34)After th complete cure of Jvara one should do Sarvanga Dhara, drink Vidarysdi sneha and Abhyanga with ksheerabala thaila or dhanvantharam thaila.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
SHWASA KUTARA RASA is having good result in Vata & kapha prakopa janya vikara especially as name indicates , in shwasa roga . It can be used as nasya in case of murcha , apasmara . Also given in case of ardavabedaka , suryavartha, shira shula .
DOSE: 1 - 2 Ratti
ANUPANA: Kantakari kashaya , Vasavaleha , Kantakari avaleha Acc. to the condition.
ADVICE: To be avoided in pittaja kasa since it is ushna & teekshna .
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
KaphaVathothara Sannipatha Jvara
30) Dashamoola duralabhadi yusha is effective.
For Mathi bhrama
31) Nasya with egg of Neeru (mal) (red big ants seen in trees ). pasted in breast milk.
32) Rasna, Shunti, Guduchi, Sahachara, Mushta, Shathavari, Pathya, Shathahva, Siktha, Karchura, Vasa, Analaripu (iruveli ) , Dashamoola
Indication- Manya sthambha, Anthra vridhi, Jvara, Pidaka, Peeda of Kati,Sandhi & Sarvanga
KaphaVathothara Sannipatha Jvara
30) Dashamoola duralabhadi yusha is effective.
For Mathi bhrama
31) Nasya with egg of Neeru (mal) (red big ants seen in trees ). pasted in breast milk.
32) Rasna, Shunti, Guduchi, Sahachara, Mushta, Shathavari, Pathya, Shathahva, Siktha, Karchura, Vasa, Analaripu (iruveli ) , Dashamoola
Indication- Manya sthambha, Anthra vridhi, Jvara, Pidaka, Peeda of Kati,Sandhi & Sarvanga
It is having good result in vataja , kaphaja navajwara & vatakaphaja navajwara. Also in santata , satata jwara , romanthika jwara , visphota which are very few and not erupting properly can be made to increase the speed of eruption & hence healing. Jwara associated with shwasa . It increases mutra & sweda hence helps in reducing jwara.
It is contra indicated in pittaja jwara , if needed should be administered with sheetala aushada like pravala pisti.
DOSE: 1/2 - 1 Ratti
ANUPANA: In visphota along with tribhuvana kirthi rasa karavellaka swarasa with haridra churna will reduce tha upadravas of visphota. apply nimba lepa with haridra. or nimba taila , eranda taila .
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
20)Poothi karanja, Laja, Shuti, Vishnu dayitham , Mustha, Dusparsha,Ikshu,Punarnava moola, made into padavshesha kashaya. yavagu is prepared with that kashaya with thakra and drinked for 3 days.
Jvarahara, Jadharagni deepana.
21)In Sannipatha Jvra,
Svarasa made out of leaf of Kushmanda should be applied allover the body except nasal region.
22)Moorcha in Jvara
Nasya using the combination of Pippali, Draksha, Shunti, Yashtimadhu, Sainthava lavana and Jathiphala made paste with breast milk. 23) If Sada is associated with Sannipatha Jvara,
Masha, Kulatha, Medhika are fried, powdered and made a Pottali and Sveda should be done with Pottali for kaphaharathva from the Srothus.
Methods for awakening the Sada patient
24) Anjana on nethra with with Maricha.
25)Ghrana of JIraka, Krishna Jeeraka, Lashuna, Hingu.
26)Pottala Sveda with Kulatha churna.
27) Nasya (theekshna) till patient wake up.
Abhinyasa Jvara
28) Lohithandadi oil application on all the Sandhis.
29) Yavagu prepared with Bala kashaya ( one-by-fourth redused kashaya) and Kshira ( half part).
Monday, August 9, 2010
It is having good result in pakshgatha , dhanurvata , kampavata , ardangavata , gridrasi , vishvachi , avabahukadi vata roga, vatajanita vedana of fingers ; thivra vedana & shakthi nasha also get reduced. It is good for all dhathus. In chronic pain after an injury ekangaveera gives better result.
DOSE: 1-2 ratti
NOTE: In a condition where PITTA prakopa lakshanas in vata roga,one should not give ekangaveera . if needed should be given with sheethala aushadha.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
For all doshas , mainly for vata & kapha , better not to give in pittadikya rogas. It is pachaka, deepaka & mala shuddi karaka. It is given in rogas manifested due to malavarodha like kusta, kshudra kusta maha kusta rakta dosha , annavaha srotho dusti , medo vikara , pakwashaya vikrithi , grahani , ajirna , chardi , hridaya vikara , yakrith vikara , jalodara , pandu , kamala , jeerna jwara , swasa roga manifested due to vata vriddi in grahani dosha , bad smell from nose , puya & rakta srava from danta mula .
Dose: 1-4 ratthi
Anupana :
- Amrithadi kwatha is best anupana for yakrith, malavarodha, aruchi, amlapittha. since it contains guduchi, musta, kirata etc. it is good in agni mandya jwara etc..
- Guduchyadi kwatha has similar qulity; since it contains saptaparna it has good result in malaria, also in madyapana janitha vikara, swetameha.
- kalingakadi kwatha is thikta balya & jwaragna. it contains indrayava , patola , katuki etc.
- while giving for shotha , pandu , kamala - punarnava mandura , navayasa mandura , navayasa loha can be given.
- if shopha associated with jwara , pliha vridi - shotha kalanala rasa along with punarnavarist is given.
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