Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rthucharya @ South India

Rthu charyas mentioned in Samhithas does not suit for kerala and other south indian states. In kerala only 4 rthus are evident. Winter fro december to february, summer from march to may, rain from june to august. And sadharana rthu frm septembr to november.. Actualy the dosha kopa acording to rthus mentioned in classics are not aplicable to kerala's whether. Acording to classics how dosha sanchaya prakopa occurse? In shishira, due to coldness kapha is increasd and due to the sthambhana guna of cold that kapha get sanchaya in the body. And in vasantha due to sunrise that kapha get liqufied and get prasara in all over the body.. Then grishma due to the hot kapha get prashama.. But due to the dry wind vatha get provocated.. It get sanchaya due to ushnatha it canot go to prakopa.. But in varsha the vatha get prakopa due to the coldnes again.. But at that time pitha get sanchaya due to bhubaashpa.. That pitha wen it comes to the sharad due to sun rays go to prakopa..
What hapens in kerala?
In kerala there is no heavy winter, no heavy summer, no heay dry wint in summer.. But rainy monts are more.. Actualy kerala having 2rainy rthus one is varsha rthu. And other is sadharan rthu or pravrut.
What will be the state of doshas in these rthus?
In winter kapha dosha, in summer pitha dosha, in rainy season vatha dosha get prakopavastha.. That is y in winter we gets asthma patients, and summer masurika epidomic cases and varsha will get vatha vyadhis and vathika jvara like chickoon gunia.. So one should do upavasa in winter.. Ie, makaramasa vritham for shabarimala darshana in kerala.. one should do dipana in varsha so 'karkidaka kanji ' is a habit in kerala on varsha rthu..
one should rejuanate the body when u have strength so u should do bhrimhana in pravrit rthu.
Ref: Ashtanga Hridaya Arunodayam vyakhya(mal) by Govindan vaidyan


$üVãRńA!! said...

good work buddy......

sm8085 said...
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