Monday, August 30, 2010



33)In first stage of  Sannipatha Jvara patient should not take bath.
Nirgunti sidha thaila or shudha Bala thaila can be used of abhyanga befor bath.
34)After th complete cure of Jvara one should do Sarvanga Dhara, drink   Vidarysdi sneha and Abhyanga with  ksheerabala thaila or dhanvantharam thaila.

Friday, August 20, 2010



COMPOSITION: Shudda Parada, Sudda Gandhaka, Shudda Vatsanabha, Shudda Tankana, Shudda Haratala, Maricha, Shunti, Pippali.
SHWASA KUTARA RASA is having good result in Vata & kapha prakopa janya vikara especially as name indicates , in shwasa roga . It can be used as nasya in case of murcha , apasmara . Also given in case of ardavabedaka , suryavartha, shira shula .
DOSE: 1 - 2 Ratti
ANUPANA: Kantakari kashaya , Vasavaleha , Kantakari avaleha Acc. to the condition.
ADVICE: To be avoided in pittaja kasa since it is ushna & teekshna .

Wednesday, August 18, 2010



KaphaVathothara  Sannipatha Jvara

30) Dashamoola duralabhadi yusha  is effective.

For Mathi bhrama

31) Nasya with egg of Neeru (mal) (red big ants seen in trees ). pasted in breast milk.

32) Rasna, Shunti, Guduchi, Sahachara, Mushta, Shathavari, Pathya, Shathahva, Siktha, Karchura, Vasa, Analaripu (iruveli ) , Dashamoola
Indication- Manya sthambha, Anthra vridhi, Jvara, Pidaka, Peeda of Kati,Sandhi & Sarvanga


  It is having good result in vataja , kaphaja navajwara & vatakaphaja navajwara. Also in santata , satata jwara , romanthika jwara ,  visphota which are very few and not erupting properly can be made to increase the speed of eruption & hence healing. Jwara associated with shwasa . It increases mutra & sweda hence helps in reducing jwara.
   It is contra indicated in pittaja jwara , if needed should be administered with sheetala aushada like pravala pisti.
DOSE: 1/2 - 1 Ratti
ANUPANA: In visphota along with tribhuvana kirthi rasa karavellaka swarasa with haridra churna will reduce tha upadravas of visphota. apply nimba lepa with haridra. or nimba taila , eranda taila .

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


20)Poothi karanja, Laja, Shuti, Vishnu dayitham , Mustha, Dusparsha,Ikshu,Punarnava moola, made into padavshesha kashaya. yavagu is prepared with that kashaya with thakra and drinked for 3 days.
Jvarahara, Jadharagni deepana.

21)In Sannipatha Jvra,
Svarasa made out of  leaf of Kushmanda should be applied allover  the body except nasal region. 

22)Moorcha in Jvara 
Nasya using the combination of  Pippali, Draksha, Shunti, Yashtimadhu, Sainthava lavana and  Jathiphala made paste with  breast milk. 

23) If Sada is associated with Sannipatha Jvara, 
Masha, Kulatha, Medhika are fried, powdered and made a Pottali and Sveda should be done with Pottali for kaphaharathva from the Srothus.

Methods for awakening the Sada patient

24) Anjana on nethra with  with Maricha. 

25)Ghrana of JIraka, Krishna Jeeraka, Lashuna, Hingu. 

26)Pottala Sveda with Kulatha churna. 

27) Nasya (theekshna) till patient wake up. 

 Abhinyasa Jvara 
28) Lohithandadi oil application on all the Sandhis.  

29) Yavagu prepared with Bala kashaya ( one-by-fourth redused kashaya) and   Kshira ( half part).

Monday, August 9, 2010


It is having good result in pakshgatha , dhanurvata , kampavata , ardangavata , gridrasi , vishvachi , avabahukadi vata roga, vatajanita vedana of fingers ; thivra vedana & shakthi nasha also get reduced. It is good for all dhathus. In chronic pain after an injury ekangaveera gives better result.
DOSE: 1-2 ratti
NOTE: In a condition where PITTA prakopa lakshanas in vata roga,one should not give ekangaveera . if needed should be given with sheethala aushadha.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


For all doshas , mainly for vata & kapha , better not to give in pittadikya rogas. It is pachaka, deepaka & mala shuddi karaka. It is given in rogas manifested due to malavarodha like kusta, kshudra kusta maha kusta rakta dosha , annavaha srotho dusti , medo vikara , pakwashaya vikrithi , grahani , ajirna , chardi , hridaya vikara , yakrith vikara , jalodara , pandu , kamala , jeerna jwara , swasa roga manifested due to vata vriddi in grahani dosha , bad smell from nose , puya & rakta srava from danta mula .
Dose: 1-4 ratthi
Anupana :
  1. Amrithadi kwatha is best anupana for yakrith, malavarodha, aruchi, amlapittha. since it contains guduchi, musta, kirata etc. it is good in agni mandya jwara etc..
  2. Guduchyadi kwatha has similar qulity; since it contains saptaparna it has good result in malaria, also in madyapana janitha vikara, swetameha.
  3. kalingakadi kwatha is thikta balya & jwaragna. it contains indrayava , patola , katuki etc.
  4. while giving for shotha , pandu , kamala - punarnava mandura , navayasa mandura , navayasa loha can be given.
  5. if shopha associated with jwara , pliha vridi - shotha kalanala rasa along with punarnavarist is given.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



11)Kashaya made with Sariva, chandana, mrunala, ushira, mustha, parpataka, yashti, uthpala and sathavari. along with madhu and sitha as anupana (drink after cooling) is pitha jvara hara and good for anthardaha, dhoomayana, katurasa like sensation, thrishna, daha, murcha.

12)Phanta kashaya or hima kashaya made up of draksha , ushira, yashtimadhu, amalaki, mustha, mrunala, kashmarya, valaka, chandana, pathumukam(?), sariva, lodhra,uthpala and sitha, laja and madhu, as anupana. is good for pithjvara, mada, vami, thrid, daha, murcha, rakthapitha.

13)Kashaya made up of mustha, chandana, valaka and guduchi is kapha-pitha jvara hara

14)Kashaya made up of vasa moola, guduchi, mustha, parpataka and shunti is vatha-kapha hara.

15)Kashaya made up of mustha, valaka, parpataka, shunti, bala, ushira, kapikachu moola, boonimba is vatha-pitha jvara hara.

16) If patient feels headache and increased temperature (high intensity?) dhara with ksheera (in vatha pitha jvara).
laksha, guduchi, athibala and shathavari make thaila with these drugs and mix with dadhi (curd) and apply all over the body. (vatha pitha jvara)

17)Chinnodbhavadi kashaya is to be given in the morning. either with or without sunti and bhunimba. (vatha pitha jvara)

18) Balamoola ksheerapaka also can be given (according to some vaidyas) . (vatha pitha jvara)

19)Kashaya made up of vasa, parpataka, kushmanda latha, mustha, shunti, can be given in case of sannipatha jvara having more of thrishna, daha, murcha and bhrama.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yoga and AyurvedaAyurveda: The Science of Self-healing - A Practical Guide
The worm originated in the cow dung, asvadha, udumbara, vata,ithi(?) should be burned and that bhasa should be sprinkled on the body of the patient.
15) pippali, saindhava lavana, paalthuka(?) triturated in thaila ind do anjana.
16) Dhoopana is done with Vilaamaram (?), vacha, kesharomam(?)
17) dhoopana with white shangupushpa
18)Dhoopana is done with skin of snake horn of elephant, horn of cow, maricha, hingu.
19) drink ‘cow dung water’ with milk
20)kushta ksheera, thutha, sarshapa, thurishu (copper sulphate),gauri pashana, manashila, swarnamakshika, triturated with svarasa of agni vati should be made in the shape of maricha pramana, and dried in the shadow. It should be powdered and use jala, navanitha, guda as anupana.
21) dhoopana with karimpadam(?) and horn of the mahisha.

6) In vatha jvara, shunti kirathadi kashaya added with usheera, and chandana.
7)In pitha pradhaana jvara, Shandangam kashayam.
8)In kapha pradhana jvara kashaya with kantakari,dusparsha, mustha, amruth, bharngi moola, parpataka, sunti shuld be given.
9)In vatha pradhana jvara kashaya prepared with shunti, boonimba, amruth, mustha, hrisva panchamoola, parpataka,
10)In pitha pradhaana kashaya with amalaki, dhaanyaka, etc
In pithaja jvara having thrishna and athisara kashaya with ushira, shuti, ambu, guduchi should be given. If temperature is more parpataka and usheera should be added more.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


jvara chikthsa-2
First Upavasa should be done in navajvara according to the vidhi. Then water should be boiled by adding Shunti 1 part, dhanyaka 2 part. This water should be given for drinking. Then water boiled with hrisva panchmoola and added with laaja should be given.
Dhanyaka 2 part shunti 1 part boiled water also can be given for initial 7 days.

1)Peya or vilepi prepared with laaja and above said drugs can be given as a food. After getting good appetite kashaya prepared with shunti, bhoonimba, amrith and mustha can be given.

2)Kashaya with shunti, shaali parni, prishni parni, bala moola, dusparsha, brihathi, vaasa moola, can be given. This is both deepana and pachana
Kashaya prepared with dhanyaka, bala, laaja, shunti, mudga should be given. If nausea feels, kashaya should be mixed with fried rise.

3)For paachana, kashaya prepared with mustha, parpadaka, shunti, can be given. If patient is having thrishna , shadangam kashayam should be given.
Kashaya with shaaliparni, prishniparni, brihathi, gokshura can be given.

4)Water boiled with kushta, kutaja(?), asvadha can be given for bath.
If patient is having severe agni maandya, should drink shunti, amrith, bhoonimba.
Kashaya prepared with shunti, thulasi moola is also good for jvara.

5)Sidha prayoga’s for jvara

1) thulasi leaf svarasa with milk or oil.
2) Parpataka svarasa with katurohini kalka thaila sevana.
3) Bhoonimba leaf svarasa with oil
4) Aakhu parni, vishnukranthi(?), palasa thvak, apamarga moola, poovankurunthal (?) bhasma is made and apply all over the body.
5) Cherukadaladi moola (?) should be tied around the ear.
6) Thulasi and thumba(?) made into paste mixed with paste and eat.
7) Adakkamaniyan(?) moola should be tied around the head.
8) Parachunda moola (?) thulasi tied on head.
9) Paalvalli(?) is made in the form of ring and wear.
10) Parpataka moola should be tied around the head after resisting jvara gayathri manthra.
11) Aghoi moola, parvalli moola(?), thulasi oola, avalpori moola(?), made paste in rose water and apply all over body.
12) Earth taken out by the crab while digging should be taken shaucha should be done and apply.
13) Kupeelu beeja which has one eye(?) should be made into paste form and do anjana.
14) If head ache is there then aghori molla should me made paste with ksheera and aply on head.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Yogamritham is an old malayalam ayurvedic text which contains so many aushadha yogas which is having very good clinical significants.This is written in old malayalam called 'manipravalam'. so it is very difficult for understanding. Here am trying to translate it into English. I am using malayalam vyakhyanam of shri D. Shriman Namputhiri for this work. This is not a word by word translation of the text. if any mistakes found please correct me.
Nidana of jvara
due to mithyaahaara vihara -----> dosha prakopa----> dosha become amashaya ashraya----> it brings the koshtagni out side------> onset of jvara.
Types of jvara
Vatha Pithaja
Vatha Kaphaja
Pitha Kaphaja
Aganthuja- abhighathaja, abhishangaja, abhishaapaja, aabhicharaja

Langhana in jvara

according to the intensity of Jvara, the patient should do upavasa .
In Pitha jvara 1 day
Vatha jvara 2 day
Kapha jvara 3 day upavasa should be done.


Santhatha,Sathatha, Anyadhyushka, Thrithiyaka, Chathurthaka, Sheeth jvara, Daahajvara. these are the Vishamajvaras
stages of jvara
Tharuna jvara - till 7th night
Madhyama jvara-- 7th to 10th night
Purana jvara-- after 10 nights

Contrindication of Upavasa
If jvara caused due to Sthree seva,bhaya,upvasa, heavy riding and stressful traveling, kopa, fire, athapasevana, bhaara vahana, dukha, raktha athi pravrithi,
Upavasa should not be done.
In this case patient should be given milk as the treatment. Shadanga kashaya can be givan, Vidaryadi kashaya also can be given according to condition.

threatment of navajvara
By assessing the dosha, bala, daurbalya, doctor should advise the patient to take peya prepared with pachana kashayas for 6 days, then kashaya, gritha, ksheerapaka, virechana respectively according to the stages.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


|RASAJNANA| is the translation of 'PRASIDDA RASAGALU', a kannada book on rasa dravyas, written by PANDITH TARANATH. Only few Kannada copies were printed and now its not available.
When i got a xerox copy of this book my friends asked me to translate this book into English. So I thought if it is published through this blog it will be helpful to lot of ayurvedic doctors.
While translating this kannada book if my perception of understanding the meaning of a sentence is wrong then please comment on the same and let me come to know about my fault.
Since it takes time to translate a kannada book into English , I will try to publish it in several parts.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dr. Ravishankar pervaje

You might have heard this name before but still i want to introduce greatness of this man with pleasure...
We know that for 'arshas' management , the prime and the best treatment is considered to be 'kshara karma' , Now a days most of you might have seen kshara karma done under GA , SA or LA in an OT setup and getting wonderful result and no reoccurence.
There was a traditional transfer of knowledge from ancient acharyas for a certain period of time and the technique of practicing kshara karma vanished there after and only theory aspect remained as such.
Now my question is, if the kshara karma practice vanished at that time itself then how we are practising right now? Who developed it?
Answer for this is 'the title itself' ie, DR. Ravishankar pervaje BAMS, MS(BHU). Managing director of Sushrutha Ayurveda Hospital,Puttur, D.K, Karnataka.
This simple man never expect fame. He him self used apthopadesha from sushrutha and applied his yukti and himself developed prathisaraneeya kshara. To prepare an effective kshara itself he took a year! To prepare a kshara he struggled a lot and failed ,each time he failed learnt a new thing and made each failure as a step to prepare effective Prathisaraneeya kshara. Then developed kshara karma in 1991 which is now known as PERVAJE's TECHNIQUE OF KSHARA KARMA. .
People who studied from this person never disclosed that they studied from him and hence many of them unaware of the developer of prathisaraneeya kshara karma.
Dr.Pervaje's treatment is purely based on 'karya karana sidhanta'. He does dosha vikalpa of the Roga and treat the patient according to the dosha. To know about this you must visit sushrutha hospital.

Friday, February 12, 2010


RAN this acronym stands for 1Rasagandhi mezhugu-R, 2Amukkara chooranam - A and 3Nellikkai Ilagam - N, now the most popular Siddha combination for HIV in Tamil Nadu having Immunogenic and adaptogenic properties. RAN therapy is given to HIV patients in the Asia's biggest AIDS hospital at TB Sanatorium, Tambaram, Chennai, South India .

Deivanayagam and co-workers in 2001 could establish laboratory evidence supporting the clinical improvement in more than 60 % of the patients who received either RAN alone or in combination with opportunistic infection (OI) controlling drugs. But RAN could not save those with brain infection, or septicaemia.

Since April 2002, the family health clinic of Health India Foundation (HIF), a registered non-governmental charity, has been running an out-patient service for HIV/AIDS at Red Cross Hospital, Chennai. The author, during his tenure as medical officer at HIF for 13 months have himself closely observed and monitored the safety and effect of RAN therapy in patients with mild to moderate HIV disease (Wilson, 2010). Fritts et al., 2008 in his review article from USA have included the pilot trial conducted with RAN therapy.


1Rasagandhi mezhugu (RGM) is polyherbo–mineral formulation in wax form containing 40 herbs.

2 Poly herbal medicated powder prepared using Withania somnifera Dunal (winter cherry) as the chief ingredient.

3Poly herbal electuary prepared using Phyllanthus Emblica, Linn. (Indian gooseberry) as the chief ingredient


Deivanayagam C.N., Krishnarajasekhar O.R., Ravichandran N., Evaluation of Siddha Medicare in HIV disease. J. Assoc. Physicians India . 2001; 49: 390-1.

Fritts M., Crawford C.C., Quibell D., Gupta A., Jonas W.B., Coulter I., Andrade S.A., Traditional Indian medicine & homeopathy for HIV/AIDS: a review of the literature. AIDS Research & Therapy 2008, 5:25. doi:10.1186/ 1742-6405- 5-25.

Wilson E., Reflections of the Siddha Traditional System of Medicine in the Emerging Field of Geology. IGC's Thirteenth Professor Jhingran Memorial Lecture monograph delivered at the Department of Rasashastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences , Banaras Hindu University , Varanasi . January, 2010; 1- 45 pp.

reff: an email from vaidyakam group

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rthucharya @ South India

Rthu charyas mentioned in Samhithas does not suit for kerala and other south indian states. In kerala only 4 rthus are evident. Winter fro december to february, summer from march to may, rain from june to august. And sadharana rthu frm septembr to november.. Actualy the dosha kopa acording to rthus mentioned in classics are not aplicable to kerala's whether. Acording to classics how dosha sanchaya prakopa occurse? In shishira, due to coldness kapha is increasd and due to the sthambhana guna of cold that kapha get sanchaya in the body. And in vasantha due to sunrise that kapha get liqufied and get prasara in all over the body.. Then grishma due to the hot kapha get prashama.. But due to the dry wind vatha get provocated.. It get sanchaya due to ushnatha it canot go to prakopa.. But in varsha the vatha get prakopa due to the coldnes again.. But at that time pitha get sanchaya due to bhubaashpa.. That pitha wen it comes to the sharad due to sun rays go to prakopa..
What hapens in kerala?
In kerala there is no heavy winter, no heavy summer, no heay dry wint in summer.. But rainy monts are more.. Actualy kerala having 2rainy rthus one is varsha rthu. And other is sadharan rthu or pravrut.
What will be the state of doshas in these rthus?
In winter kapha dosha, in summer pitha dosha, in rainy season vatha dosha get prakopavastha.. That is y in winter we gets asthma patients, and summer masurika epidomic cases and varsha will get vatha vyadhis and vathika jvara like chickoon gunia.. So one should do upavasa in winter.. Ie, makaramasa vritham for shabarimala darshana in kerala.. one should do dipana in varsha so 'karkidaka kanji ' is a habit in kerala on varsha rthu..
one should rejuanate the body when u have strength so u should do bhrimhana in pravrit rthu.
Ref: Ashtanga Hridaya Arunodayam vyakhya(mal) by Govindan vaidyan

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Pizhichil is a very famous keraliya treatment.. It comes under 'swedana' in ayurveda. But it gives the result of swedana and snehana also.. Pizhichil is indicated in kevala vatha vyadis . It is to be done for 7 days, 14 days, and 21days acording to the conditions. Time of this is from 45mints to 1.30hrs.. Olden days pizhichil was done by 5 workers, 4 men for doing dhara, and one for assisting. Any thaila can be taken for pizhichil..
Thalam is done as purvakarma
paschath karma
gandharva hasthadi kashyam is givn as post karma for vatha hara action and shodhana.
any kevala vatha vyadhis,
contra indication
for chronic diabetic pts.. And hypertension patients. And any contra indication of swedana and snehana.
Samyak lakshana.
Samyak lakshana of swedana and snehana..
Side effects
doing pizhichil with out checking the bala of the patients may end up with complications. Doing pizhichil in hyertension patient may end up with a cardiac arest by shooting up of bp. A chronic diabetic patient may go to the athikledatha of the body and may endup with unpredictable complications.The Rough Guide to Kerala

Friday, January 29, 2010


Thalam is the process of applying medicines over the centre of the head. The process can be considered as a variant of MURDHANI TAILA. It can be considered as a shorter and easier means of shirolepa. In the initial stage of Ardita thalam is indicated. The navanita thalam is indicated for ardita, considering the dosha involvement. The modified form of thalam with eranda taila , ghritakumari satva and balachurna is also advisable as per the need of the condition. In kamala roga with shirodaha, thalam with navanita and stanya is recommended. the same thalam is advised in vatashonita associated with burning sensation. In vatika and paitika shirashula, navanita thalam is beneficial. In bhanga of shiromarma Navanita thalam is advocated to manage the state of bhrama. In visuchika, thalam with compound of butter and ghee is recommended. In children afflicted with severe sneezing thalam with powders of bala patra, panchagandha with breastmilk, gruel of wheat, butter is effective. In karappan (skin lesions of children mentioned in arogyakalpadruma) associated with shirodaha, thalam with powders of dhatri , madhuka , manjishta , chandana is applied along with breastmilk. The headache developed in extraneous fever is managed with the thalam of manjishta in breastmilk. In bahyayama Eranda taila and butter is placed over head. During swedana , usually the head is not allowed to get perspired. In order to prevent such effects during these procedures there is a custom of placing thalam either with amalaki or with powder of bala mixed in butter.